I-SENSE Faculty Fellows

Reza Azarderakhsh
Reza Azarderakhsh, Ph.D.
Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Professor and I-SENSE Fellow
Faculty Website

Research Expertise:
Cryptographic Engineering, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Finite Field, Post-Quantum Cryptography

Jordan Beckler
Jordon Beckler, Ph.D.
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute
Research Professor
Behnaz Ghoraani
Behnaz Ghoraani, Ph.D.
Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Associate Professor and I-SENSE Fellow

Research Expertise:
Non-stationary Data Analytics, Pattern Recognition and Information Retrieval, Biomedical and Speech Signal Analysis, Feature Extraction and Classification, Time-frequency Signal Analysis, Machine Learning and Classification

Jinwoo Jang
Jinwoo Jang, Ph.D.
Civil, Environmental and Geomatics Engineering
Associate Professor and I-SENSE Fellow

Research Expertise: 
Smart and Connected Communities, Structural Health Monitoring, Structural Dynamics, Uncertainty Estimation and Quantification, Connected Vehicle Applications, Big Data Analytics

Dimitris Pados, Ph.D.
Dimitris Pados, Ph.D.
Charles E. Schmidt Chair Professor
Professor and I-SENSE Fellow

Research Expertise:
Communications Theory and Systems: Cognitive Software-defined Radios and Networks; Interference Avoiding Networking; Secure Wireless Communications; Underwater Cognitive Hi-rate/Long-distance Acoustic Communications; Autonomous/Unmanned Aerial/Ground/Underwater System Communications.
Machine Learning and Adaptive Signal Processing: L1-norm Principal-component Analysis (L1-PCA); Robust Feature Extraction from Faulty Data Sets; Digital Data Embedding/Hiding; Compressed-sensed (Multi-view) Imaging and Video; Localization in GPS-less Environments; Ad-hoc/Dynamic Geometry Beamforming and Array Radar; Communications-Radar Coexistence.

Ramin Pashaie, Ph.D.
Ramin Pashaie, Ph.D.
College of Engineering & Computer Science
Professor and I-SENSE Fellow



Research expertise:
Optics, electronics, photonics, data analysis techniques and their applications in neuroscience and the study of the brain dynamics. 

Mahsa Ranji, Ph.D.
Mahsa Ranji, Ph.D.
College of Engineering & Computer Science
Associate Professor and I-SENSE Fellow



Research Expertise:
Biophotonics; Bio-instrumentation; Optical imaging; Fluorescence imaging; Time-lapse microscopy; Design/development/implementation of non-invasive tissue diagnostic tools; Inter-disciplinary preclinical and clinical studies related to metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction

Georgios Sklivanitis, Ph.D.
Georgios Sklivanitis, Ph.D.

Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Associate Research Professor 


Research Expertise:
5G/6G/NextG, Secure Communications, Spectrum Sharing, AI/ML, Software-defined Radios, Networked Robotics, Ocean Internet-of-Things

Yufei Tang
Yufei Tang, Ph.D.
Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Associate Professor and I-SENSE Fellow
Faculty Website

Research Expertise: 
Cyber-Physical Energy Systems: Power System Stability Control and Optimization, Renewable Energy Systems, Smart Grid Security, Cascading Failure Analysis

Additional Information
The Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems Engineering (I-SENSE) was established in early 2015 to coordinate university-wide activities in the Sensing and Smart Systems pillar of FAU’s Strategic Plan for the Race to Excellence.
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431