Application for Degree and Certificates

Deadlines and Acknowledgement:

We have a strictly enforced deadline to apply for graduation. These dates are posted in the Academic Calendar. Please note, any application for degree received after the deadline will be processed; however, late applicants are not guaranteed that their name will appear in any FAU graduate celebration website, Commencement Program, or virtual commencement ceremony created to honor the graduating class. Late applicants are also not guaranteed guest tickets to an in-person ceremony. They will be put on a ticket waitlist and will be notified if the request can be accommodated.

All communications, regarding graduation information will be sent to your FAU email from the Registrar's office. Please be sure to add to your contacts to ensure that you receive these communications.

Please visit our Commencement Ceremony page for important ceremony details and deadlines.


How to Apply for Degree:

1. Before you submit your application for degree, verify your current degree program:

  • Log into MyFAU.
  • Click on "Student Records".
  • Click on "View Student Information".
  • Your Current Program is listed under Curriculum Information.
  *Undergraduate Students: If any changes need to made to your Current Program, please submit a Change of Major form to your college advising office or academic advisor. Not updating your Current Program to reflect the degree program in which you plan to graduate can delay your application from being approved and/or result in it being denied by your college.

*Graduate Students: If any changes need to made to your Current Program, email  

  • For graduate students submitting a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation as part of their degree requirements:  You must submit your thesis or dissertation package to the Graduate College by the posted deadlines in order to graduate on time.  If you have additional questions regarding the thesis and dissertation submission process, please email

2. Complete and submit an Application for Degree.

  • This form cannot be submitted and processed unless it is complete.

Note: If you anticipate receiving more than one degree, you must complete and submit a separate form for each degree.


How to Apply for a Certificate:

Application for Certificate

1. Select Undergraduate or Graduate level via the tabs at the top of the form.

2. Complete all parts of the application. This form cannot be processed unless it is complete.

3. Once complete, click "Print PDF" at the bottom of the form or save form as an attachment.

4. Submit the application(s) to your college advisor and obtain preliminary approval (signature).

NOTE: If you anticipate receiving more than one certificate, you must complete and submit a separate form for each certificate.
