Why do I need to be advised?
When you participate in academic advising, you are more likely to have the information needed to make well-informed decisions about your curriculum requirements, your majors, and your career choice. You will also be more aware of the resources available to assist you in being successful.
What is the General Education (formally IFP) and how do I complete the courses?

All entering freshmen or transfer students with less than 60 credits must fulfill the university's  General Education (Gen Ed) (formally IFP)  requirements as part of their pursuit of the baccalaureate degree. While the Gen Ed courses do not necessarily relate to the major, they do provide a foundation of knowledge that all well-educated students should possess. The Gen Ed is comprised of a total of 36 credit hours.

  • 6  hours of Communication
  • 6  hours of Humanities
  • 6  hours of Social Science
  • 6  hours of Natural Science
  • 6  hours of Mathematics
  • 6  hours of Additional Enrichment (completion of one additional course from 2 of the 3 categories: Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Science)

For more information, consult  University Advising Services  or the FAU undergraduate catalog.

I’ve been told that I have a UN hold on my registration. What do I do?
Entering freshmen will be advised through EZ Advising, the online advising system. As part of the EZ Advising process, once a student submits the EZ Advising form and receives approval for courses, the UN hold will be moved forward. Students will need to meet with their Academic Advisor to have the UN hold removed again prior to registering for their next semester. If you have questions about how the process works, contact University Advising Services at (561) 297-3064 or .
What is the Gordon Rule, and how does it apply to me?
This rule requires students entering college or university to study for the first time after October 15, 1982, to complete, with grades of “C” or higher, 12 semester hours of writing and 6 semester hours of mathematics as a requirement for admission to the upper-division. The 12 semester hours of writing must be completed with 4 Writing Across the Curriculum courses. Following is a list of General Educataion courses that satisfy the Gordon Rule Writing requirement: ANT 2000, ENC 1101, ENC 1102, ENC 1939, HIS 2050, LIT 2010, LIT 2030, LIT 2040, LIT 2070, LIT 2931, PHI 2010, and WOH 2012.
How do I register for classes?
If you are an incoming freshman, you must first complete EZ Advising, your online advising, which can be accessed through your OwlDone portal. Once your EZ Advising form is approved, your freshman advising hold (the UN hold) will be moved forward and you will be eligible to register (once all your other holds are removed as well). You will register for classes by logging into  MyFAU . A Registration Video Tutorial is available on the University Advising Services homepage.
How can I contact University Advising Services if I have more questions?
Glad you asked. Our office is open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. We are located on the Boca Raton campus in the Student Support Services building on the second floor in room 201. Our telephone number is (561) 297-3064 or you can send a question via e-mail to
How do I log into EZ Advising?
You log into EZ Advising through your Owldone portal. If you are unable to log into EZ Advising even after you have paid your Tuition Deposit, please submit a ticket to the OIT help desk and the error will be resolved in a timely manner. Be sure to click Submit a Ticket and login in with your FAUNet ID credentials. SUBMIT A TICKET.    
Is EZ Advising the same as Registration?
No, EZ Advising is not registration. EZ Advising is Academic ADVISING and Course Selection. Once you have been advised and all of your holds are removed, you will REGISTER through your MyFAU account.
Do I have to wait until Orientation to do EZ Advising?
No, you should not wait.  We recommend that you complete EZ Advising and register for classes via your MyFAU account before coming to orientation. 
I would like to change my major. How do I do that?
If you are an incoming Freshman or Transfer student with 30 or fewer credits and would like to change your major  and you have NOT yet registered for courses, you will be able to change your major in EZ Advising. Just select the major you would like to pursue from the drop-down menu. Your advisor will let you know if the major you selected is not an option for some reason. If you would like to change your major and you have ALREADY registered for courses, you will need to meet with an advisor to complete a Change of Major form.
How do I know if I should complete EZ Advising?
  • First-year students will automatically be directed to EZ Advising through their Owldone portal.

  • Transfer students with 30 or more credits and Second Bachelor's students do not complete EZ Advising. You will be advised through the college of your intended major. Also, you will meet with an advisor at Orientation. 

  • First-year students with 60 or more credits will also complete EZ Advising but may also be advised through the college of their intended major. Attendance at Freshman Orientation is required. Please contact University Advising Services ( if you have questions about the completion of your General Education curriculum (formally IFP).
Who is my Academic Advisor?
  • You will be assigned an advisor once your EZ Advising form has been submitted. This is the advisor who will answer your questions and work with you to get registered for classes!

  • Transfer students with 30 or more credits and Second Bachelor's students do not complete EZ Advising. You will be advised through the college of your intended major and your advisor will be from that college.

  • First-year students with 60 or more credits may also be referred to the college of their intended major for advising. Please contact University Advising Services ( if you have questions about the completion of your General Education curriculum (formally IFP).
What do I do if I feel overwhelmed or think I’m failing a class?
Speak to an advisor. Advisors have a lot of information on study skills and techniques, academic tools, and campus resources that can help you get through the “rough patches”.
What is academic probation?
Undergraduate students who fail to earn a satisfactory grade point average (2.0 or higher) on all work attempted in any term are considered to be on academic probation. Students on academic probation who fail to earn a 2.0-grade point average on all work attempted in any term but have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher at FAU will be continued on academic probation. Students on academic probation who earn a 2.0-grade point average or higher in the next period of enrollment but whose cumulative grade point average at FAU is lower than 2.0 will be continued on academic probation. Undergraduates on academic probation should seek assistance from their academic advisors in improving their academic performance.
University Advising Services provides advising for?
  • Advising and Course Selection for First-Year Students (Freshmen 0-29 credits) Note: Incoming freshmen and freshmen transfer students who have 0-29 credits will complete online academic advising & course selection through EZ Advising
  • Advising and Course Selection for Second Year Students (Sophomores 30-45 credits) Note: Referrals to the Colleges are made after three (3) semesters and/or 45 credit hours for students who have declared majors and are in good academic standing
  • Support services for students with fewer than 60  earned credits (Freshman and Sophomores)
  • Advising and Course Selection for Exploratory/Undecided students regardless of credit hours
  • Support services to students not in good academic standing up to 60 credit hours
PRE-PROFESSIONAL Science majors: (pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, pre-pharmacy, pre-PA, pre-PT, other non-nursing majors)
If you have 0-45 credits please schedule an appointment with Latarsha Morgan or  Thabita Joseph . If you do not see either of them on your SUCCESS NETWORK list, please search for them by name. Due to some restrictions in the SUCCESS NETWORK, students seeking pre-health advising must have a pre-health designation added to their records. Please submit the pre-health declaration form .
What is the Success Network?
The Success Network powered by Navigate is an online communication system that connects you, the student, to a network of support. Advisors, faculty, tutors, and much different support staff make up your "Success Network" and will provide as well as connect you to the resources needed to be successful at FAU.
How do I log into my Success Network?
You can access and log into the system by using the Quick links. Your Success Network is also located in  MyFAU  (click the Success Network Tab) and also through  Canvas  (click the Success Network Tab).
Who do I make an appointment with?

You can make an appointment with the advisor who approved your EZ Advising form but feel free to make an appointment with any advisor.

  • MUSIC MAJORS: Please meet with an advisor from the Music Department
  • PRE-PROFESSIONAL SCIENCE MAJORS:  Due to some restrictions in the SUCCESS NETWORK, students seeking pre-health advising must have a pre-health designation added to their records (pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-veterinary, pre-pharmacy, pre-PA, other non-nursing majors).

    Please submit the pre-health declaration form.  If you have already completed the form you will need to wait at least 1 to 2 weeks for processing.  

How can I contact University Advising Services if I have more questions?
Glad you asked. Our office is open Monday through Thursday 8 AM - 5 PM, virtually Monday through Thursday 5 pm - 6 pm & Friday from 8 AM - 5 PM. We are located on the Boca Raton campus in the Student Support Services building on the second floor in room 201. Our telephone number is (561) 297-3064 or you can send a question via e-mail to